May contain writing


May was supposed to be the month of dreams. Well, dragons anyway (have I mentioned how hard it is to write fantasy?) but alas, it wasn’t to be.

That’s OK, though. There are no hard and fast rules about writing, which is most of the attraction.

Some other exciting things did happen during May.

Prose For Thought – Victoria Welton runs this weekly linky on her blog and encourages people to link up with their creative works. It’s a lovely community.

The Prompt – run by Sara who gives us a great prompt every week to get the creative juices going.

Paperswans – a monthly journal and closeknit community run by Sarah and Stephanie. Hint: I may have been published in issue 2.

These are excellent ways to flex your writing muscles and share with groups of open-minded people.

My entries for Prose For Thought and The Prompt can be found at The Muddled Manuscript.

8 responses to “May contain writing

  1. Well done on your inclusion in the paper swans pamphlet!

  2. Published in issue two? How exciting! Sounds like you had a fab month of writing my dear 🙂 xx

  3. maddy@writingbubble

    I noticed you had been published in Paper Swans – Well done! I don’t have the courage to submit anything at the mo. Well, actually a bigger problem is I don’t really have anything to submit! Hope the dragons take flight again soon. What’s a NaNo request? (Ps hope you’re enjoying/surviving BritMums Live!)

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